What is the No Fap Flatline?

I am often asked what exactly the no fap flatline is. When you come into contact with the topic of no fap for the first time and give up porn as well as masturbation, you will quickly notice how even more sexual energy arises. You suddenly find women on the street more attractive, you’re ready to go out more often and it just feels great.

But after a while, this sexual energy flies down and the no fap flatline sets in. A phase where you feel almost no sexual energy at all and this is when most people give up with no fap because they think it’s not doing them any good. Of course, when you realize that you no longer feel aroused, many people are tempted to give it a try and this brings them back to porn, a cycle that is diabolical and makes most people go bad. Then you get back into the bad habit and it’s usually even stronger.

I remember exactly what it was like for me, this process went on for two years because I didn’t know a way out. I didn’t have anyone to talk to about it and that was the big mistake.


How long the flatline lasts

But what I can tell you now is that the flatline will go away. For some it lasts longer, for others it is gone after a few days, it is just a short condition. This is because your brain has been exposed to such strong stimuli and now simply has to recalibrate, which is why it is a natural process. So remember: the flatline is also something good somewhere, even if it doesn’t feel like it at first, your brain is healing in this process and you just have to get through it. You also have to realize that you’ve exposed yourself to excessive stimuli through pornography for years in order to function at all, to appeal to your reward system. And if that’s gone, then there must be side effects somewhere!


NoFap Timeline: Benefits, Stages & Tracker - Aure's Notes


Natural healing process

So don’t fall for it, because your brain will naturally try to get you back to those stimuli, but if you can get through the flatline, then you’ll manage to get your body used to the less powerful stimuli again. What has helped me is that I have always focused on what I want to achieve – what are my goals? And then I managed to stick with it.

What I can also recommend is that you get our free e-book, in which we also discuss the topic of No Fap Flatine. You can get it for free here:


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