What is Porn Addiction?

Very often people come up to me and ask whether they have a porn addiction at all and what exactly it is. In most cases, people are already very deep into the addiction and getting out is difficult and takes a long time. Therefore, read this article carefully and you will find out whether your porn behavior has already taken on unhealthy proportions.

An addiction can be classically defined as compulsively engaging in a behavior (in this case, watching porn while masturbating) and doing it anyway, even when negative consequences occur, and not being able to stop. With alcohol addicts, the classic case is when they lose friends, jobs and family because of their drinking and still can’t stop drinking.

Porn is more present in our lives than ever. Thanks to the internet, they are super easy to get, free and always available. We can access billions of different movies without leaving our homes and no one notices. It would be like a drug addict having a drug bunker in a dark basement for his whole life. Do you really think he can get out of there on his own?

So we can say that you have a porn addiction if you can’t stop even if you notice negative consequences in your life.


Signs of a pornography addiction

As described above, a clear indication that a pornography addiction is present is that the behavior cannot be stopped, even though the person feels negative effects in their life. You have certainly dealt with the topic of no fap on several occasions and have also experienced negative reactions to porn and masturbating. Have you been able to stop or are you still struggling with the addiction?

Maybe you are also a person who talks yourself out of consuming porn, like I used to do. In that case, you’ll have to spend a long time figuring out that porn is not good for you. That’s what this blog is for. Feel free to read through the other blog entries. It will take time for you to realize that your life can no longer go on like this.

It can also be an addiction if you realize that you need more and more brutal and intense material to feel your high. With porn, this is the case when suddenly the normal vanilla sex movie is no longer enough and groups of gang bangs, brutality or even children come into play. If this is already the case for you, then you can also assume that you are addicted. You can compare the movies you used to watch with the ones you watch now. You often think to yourself after watching them: “What kind of sick shit did I watch?” But the time you spend watching porn while masturbating can also be an indication of addiction. If you used to watch a video maybe once or twice a week, now you might spend several hours on the activity.


Which symptoms are present in a porn addiction

On the physical level

You can no longer get high or have problems reaching orgasm because you are numb

You feel limp and are often tired


On the psychological level

You lack the necessary motivation to pursue your goals in life

Shame because you don’t want anyone to know what videos you’re always watching

Low self-confidence + low self-esteem

So-called brain fog, no clear thoughts, little focus

A lower urge for sexual contact or you no longer find your partner as attractive as you used to because you are exposed to bodies and faces every day.

Your general mood is rather negative.


I hope this article has helped you to understand whether you have a porn addiction.

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