Categories: General

Why it’s time to make No Fap permanent

It’s time for something to change in your life, how many times have you dealt with the concept of No Fap and still nothing has happened? After reading this report, are you going to carry on as before and hope that maybe something will change next month? I’m sorry, but I just have to tell you straight to your face: you’re an idiot. Because for me, idiots are people who don’t change anything and still hope for a change in their lives.

So if you want to change something in your life and are serious about No Fap, I’m giving you my No Fap guide today:



Why is PMO such a problem in your life?

A lot of people suffer from PMO addiction these days because the stuff is available 24/7 and for free. You can virtually satisfy your addiction in 10 seconds. It would be like a drug addict who has an endless supply at home. It’s obvious that he won’t be able to kick his addiction. Look, I can tell you that a life without PMO is simply one of the coolest things in the world. For one thing, you’ll enjoy the little things in life again and you can finally focus on your goals in life. Problems that may still seem insurmountable to you now will be overcome because you’ve done it for yourself!

Let me tell you the truth, without very good support it is very, very difficult to get away from PMO. That’s why we’ve created this guide and you should download it now.




There are two paths in life

In our lives, there are always two paths, the easy one and the difficult one. The easy path in this case would be to carry on as before, staying in your comfort zone. What kind of life awaits you then? I would like to list the effects that long-term PMO consumption will have on your life (and after you have read through this list, you should change something in your life immediately!)

  • Your reward system is literally fucked up, because PMO consumption always releases an extreme amount of dopamine and activities that help you progress in life are therefore unattractive to you. You literally become a lazy slob.
  • You will also feel increasingly unhappy, no one will watch any dirty movies and then go through life with a smile on their face. Be honest.
  • Decreased libido or problems getting it up. Interestingly, many people come into contact with No Fap because of erectile dysfunction.
  • Psychologically, PMO leads to long-term depression and anxiety, you feel lonely and isolated, you tend to feel ashamed and guilty about it (there is no person who is proud of masturbating to dirty movies).
  • PMO has a seriously bad effect on your relationship, for example, your girlfriend or your partner no longer seems so attractive to you. You’ll be surprised when you see the perfect bodies in the movies…
  • You also need more and more stimuli to stimulate you sexually, which leads to you acquiring strange fetishes over time that can, in the worst case, land you in jail (children’s movies, etc.)
  • There are studies that have found that PMO users tend to be more violent, almost every movie has aspects of violence in it.

You see, the easy way of leaving everything the same ultimately leads to a rather difficult path. A sad life where there was so much potential. And the hard way? That you fucking change something in your life, that you face up to your fears and the problem you have. The result will be that you live a much happier, fulfilled and passionate life. You’ll think to yourself, why have I been looking at this shit all these years? What’s the point?




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