Benefits of no fap

In order to tackle an addiction in the best possible way, you often read that you should become aware of the benefits – so here are all the benefits of no fap that I have from my own experience and that have also been proven in studies. It’s important for me to say right at the beginning that the majority of the benefits come from abstaining from pornography. You will not gain superpower by keeping your seed inside you. What will have a bigger impact is abstaining from pornography, which will bring your reward system back to a normal state.

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  • If you start with No Fap and primarily abstain from porn, you are doing something very good for your mental health. There is a study that examined pornography use in relation to mental health. The results are clear: porn leads to depression, guilt, confusion, shame, anxiety and also increases the frequency with which you are prone to impulsive behavior. From this, it can be deduced that No Fap will boost your mental health immensely.(
  • You will feel like changing something in your life again. It’s an incredible feeling when you’ve finally reached the point where you want to change your life and actually do it. There is nothing worse than wanting to change your life but staying on the same path and disappointing yourself every time. For most people, No Fap is just the beginning of personal development. You have to imagine that pornography always drains your energy, the energy you need to exercise, teach yourself something new, approach the woman you find totally attractive on the street or spend more time with your partner. If you manage to live without porn for 3 weeks, you’ll feel like a new person because you’re no longer chasing the next dopamine rush.
  • If you stop using pornography, you can demonstrably improve your relationship or marriage. There is an exciting study where 20,000 participants took part. The results are more than clear, men who consumed porn were more likely to be divorced and have affairs than men who did not watch porn. The perception of happiness was also much lower among porn consumers. From this it can be deduced that you can help your relationship with your partner massively by no fap.
  • Many No Fap participants come to the movement for the first time because they simply can’t get it up or need more and more kinky material. This is because consuming porn leads to sexual dysfunction in the long term. It’s very easy to explain, in adult movies you only see the best bodies, athletic, breasts have been operated on and then when you see a woman in the real world it can make you feel less attracted. Many people who consume porn often report that they would rather masturbate to porn than have sex with a real partner.
  • More focus and motivation, if you keep doing activities that cause big dopamine spikes, such as masturbating to porn or scrolling through social media, then the work you’re doing isn’t as exciting as it used to be. You get distracted quickly and have no focus. Maybe you know this too. You’re working on an important topic and before you know it, you’ve picked up your phone again and are watching TikToks.
  • You become more attractive to the female sex. This is because you are more self-confident and take more risks again. This builds up more self-confidence again and it just feels good! The increase in attractiveness can also be attributed to the higher testosterone levels, but I wouldn’t dwell on the subject too much – it’s more of a pleasant side effect. (

These were some of the many benefits of No Fap, I would now recommend that you try it out for yourself and you will feel the benefits in your life after a few weeks. I hope the benefits of no fap have motivated you!


no fap roadmap




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